
Fev/March 2013

We would like to thank all our Brothers, Sisters, friends and anonymous that have supported us in prayer and financially, you have been such a blessing in our lives. Your support has given us strenght to move on. Our God he knows your heart and intentions, He will reward you.

Miguel has adapted well back in BCS, we are still suffering for not having him close to us. It is nice to be able to bring him over for the weekends.   

· We have been sharing the Word of God with a small group of people who comes to have breakfast with us, most of them never heard the scriptures before and it has been a special time, because God is touching their hearts. It is a 100 bible lessons in Pullar language.

· For the ministry at Benoba, the work never seems to finish. But God is gracious to us, next month we will receive 2 South Korean Ladies to help us with our work with the children and health care.  And a 14 people from a Bible School in Germany coming for a 15 days Outreach. Please pray that they will be a BLESSING to the ministry and the people from the village.    

· Please continue to pray that the Lord will give us health and strenght to continue His work. Safety on the road as we travel to pick up Miguel at school.

We have been blessed with the visit of our Pastor  Elandi from Marilia Brazil, during 3 days we were able to share our ministry with him. He brought us words of love and encouragement. The church gave us a Solar Pump for the agricultural project, we had been using fuel before but it was very expensive.

In August 2011 we started Project Ephraim, a dream that God put into our hearts to share His love with the Pulaar people by doing social work. We placed our desires at His feet.

       5 strategies of work for the Benoba village. And no ressources.  
Now 2013 ------  God is Faithful and He will continue to do His will at Benoba
Continue praying for us and together we will reach the unreached of this land.
In Christ
Paulo, Lucie and Miguel.

1 comentário:

  1. olá meus amigos paulo e lú a paz esteja convosco bem o q eu gostaria de saber é se ha possibilidade de passar um tempo com vcs aeh neste pojeto e como fazer pra chegar ate vcs nos temos aqui uma igreja e gostaria de enviar pessoas se possivel q gostariam de ter essa experiencia com DEUS e de certa forma ajudar a vcs com este projeto como funciona ? é possivel? flavio seibert


Jan 2016